Our Members
The heart of School of Love is its committed group of Members.
At the heart of School of Love are our beloved Members, couples committed to living a truly Catholic marriage & family spirituality with their spouses & children.
Radically Intentional
Because it’s more thorough and intentional, we have typically not opened up Membership to the large majority of School of Love participants, but have specially invited only those who: A) already are living this way in their own marriage and family, B) have experienced God’s presence particularly within their marriage and family, C) have been heavily involved with School of Love, and D) have a genuine interest in going deeper into a marriage and family spirituality. School of Love is planning to greatly increase its number of Members in the near future.
Involved Together
Members commit to living this spirituality first within their own marriages and families, and then, as appropriate, also together as a group of Members and together with School of Love as a mission. First and foremost, in their own marriages and families Members commit to a life of prioritizing their interior life, their spouse, and their children. Also School of Love Members gather together every couple/few months (according to the availability of their vocation, apostolate, or state in life) for a time of formation, community, and prayer.
Committed to Sharing
Last, many School of Love Members also commit to spreading this spirituality through their apostolates. School of Love welcomes the work of its Members to aid the programs it offers. (There is not a requirement for Members to do their apostolates with School of Love.)
Members Info & Resources: Meetings, Notes, Readings, Events, & More